Post by petrus bitbyterPost by ClarencePost by petrus bitbyterPost by Jim ThompsonSloman is a village idiot. Please don't favor him with a response.
...Jim Thompson
Nijmegen is *not* a village.
Clearly you have a real problem understanding the language. "Sloman" is
also not a native of the village!
I am clearly not the one with a problem! In fact I have no problem at all!
Sloman stipulated: born in Australia,
educated in the US,
Wrong. Educated in Australia (Ph.D. University of Melbourne,
Married an American who is employed,
Partly wrong - my wife is an Australian, although she *is* employed.
and he lives in Nijmegen collecting a form of welfare
Right, unfortunately - I'm collecting unemployment benefit.
and spends all his time being a pest on the news group.
Wrong. One of the conditions of my unemployment benefit is that I
apply for at least one job per week - in fact I usually apply for
several - which takes up part of my time. In fact I spend less than an
hour a day on the news group, which is less time than I'd like, but at
the moment there aren't enough electronic threads to which I can
usefully contribute.
1. Village Idiot
Come the millennium, month 12, in the home of greatest power, the village
idiot will come forth to be acclaimed the leader.
Clearly Dubbya.
2. Village Idiot
The stupidest or most idiotic person in a particular village, as elected by
the local populace. The kind who would steal all the sugar from an
overturned lorry and go door-to-door trying to sell it.
"Read your town charter, boy. 'If foodstuff should touch the ground, that
foodstuff should be turned over to the village idiot.' Since I don't see him
around, start shoveling!"
-Homer Simpson
3. Village Idiot
dumbest person in a neighborhood
Paul, a hillbilly, is the village idiot. His IQ must be 88, at most.
4. Village Idiot
A gormless gimp who couldn't find his arse with both hands.
GET IT! Or are you running for the title?
Post by petrus bitbyterPost by ClarenceNijmegen is a city in the Netherlands of about 150.000 inhabitants.
Nijmegen is a very old city, it was founded some 2000 years ago by
Emperor Traian of the Romans, as a camp to protect the border of the
Roman Empire.
The Emperor Traian (usually spelled Trajan - google gives Trajan a
roughly 100:1 preference) did not found the city. He did set up a
walled military camp on its outskirts in 104 AD after suppressing a
rebellion by the Batavian inhabitants of the city, and this
constitutes the first written reference to the city, but Nijmegen was
an important trading post on the Rhine long before that.
Post by petrus bitbyterPost by ClarenceCharles the Great (Charlemagne) also lived in the city for quite some
He had a "summer palace" built here. Thee's no evidence the he ever
lived in it, and it probably served as an administrative centre.
Post by petrus bitbyterPost by ClarenceSo it an OLD village.
I've visited a village in India with a population of 240,000!
A village is smaller than a city! Typical city = 250,000
Post by petrus bitbyterSo if you want to be a real wiseacre you'd at least try to know what you're
writing about.
I KNOW precisely. Your lack of humor and dry critical perspective is not
Post by petrus bitbyterNeither Bill Sloman nor I nor anybody else claims Bill to be born in
Nijmegen. Bill only claims to live there.
See above!
Post by petrus bitbyterAccording to archeologists Nijmegen had municipal rights in the Roman times
already allthough the exact dates and contents are not known. There's not
much written evidence left.
Salton City has Municipal rights and a population of 1,250. That is a Village!
So what?
Post by petrus bitbyterNijmegen was given a charter by rooms-koning Hendrik VII in 1230. Enough
evidence to say that Nijmegen is not a village.
It is only his opinion. Not evidence!
Royal charters count as evidence.
Unless he will appear in court to testify to this it is NOT evidence! Also
NOT valid if it is hearsay!
The point about royal charters is that ey were most carefully
witnessed so that they could be used as evidence in law suits.
Post by petrus bitbyterIf you still don't understand I can translate into Dutch or German for you.
Or "Geez" or some other vague language? So you can use Babblefish, so what?
He won't need to use Babblefish. Educated citizens of the Netherlands
always know English, Dutch and German. Learning Dutch destroyed my
capacity (such as it was) to speak German, but slightly improved my
capacity to understand spoken and written German - the languages are
quite close to one another, and not all that different from English,
sharing a common Germanic root, and being stress-timed.
Post by petrus bitbyterNext time you want to pretend something read carefully, think, do some
research of your own, think again and you'll find out you'd better keep
I make no pretence, I did the research, you simply do not understand what was
said and there by exhibit an ego driven propensity to excess criticism and
veiled insults that would be expected from a person of shallow intellect.
Your research wasn't up to much, and his criticisms don't demonstrate
any failure of understanding - and we can be perfectly confident that
you won't be able to demonstrate such a failure of understanding,
granting your defective analytical skills.
I would also recommend that your smart mouth will get you into serious
trouble someday. But that is why you hide behind a false identity, like
most people on this group, to avoid your just rewards!
You don't mean "recommend" but "predict". And with psycopaths like you
and John S. Dyson running around the group, anonymity would be
prudent, though I imagine that spam-avoidance is the actual reason.
"petrus bitbyter" = A prime nut case!
He is aspiring to be named "The Village Idiot!"
I don't think you've made your case. And if you or Jim Thompson thinks
that your labelling me as a village idiot says more about my
intellectual competence than yours, you are well on the way to
labelling yourselves as intellectually incompetent.
Bill Sloman, Nijmegen