Post by Jim Thompson[snip]
Post by ClarencePost by Jim ThompsonBob Traynor?? I knew a Bob Traynor in a microwave company here in
Tempe, AZ, *many* years. But I understand he died of a heart event at
a youthful age.
He and I worked at 'TMC Systems' for several years. He moved to the Microwave
company later. It was in the same building which "Dynamic Systems Electronics"
had built a few years earlier. I also worked for them as a start up company.
Bob Traynor was one of the most brilliant people I knew. Yes, He died at the
age of 54, like his father. He was playing Soccer with his son and had a heart
attack when they got home. I had dinner with him about two months earlier.
Post by Jim ThompsonPost by Clarencestill miss the discussions we used to have. I named him as Co -Inventor on the
one patent I went after. He was a great help getting all the t's crossed and
i's dotted.
It's a small world isn't it?
I can't recall the name of the company now, but I consulted on a
number of projects, linearizing the control curve on some VCOs and I
designed a few substrate heaters.
Bob Traynor was my contact within the company. I'll have to dig thru
my paper archives and see what I can find.
I did the heart attack thingy when I was 58, but I survived with no
heart muscle damage because I beat it to the emergency room when I
realized that something wasn't quite right... had the attack with a
whole crew of doctors standing by, who immediately administered a clot
buster. Then a few days later they placed a stent (LAD).
Your mention of "patent" reminds me that it was my patent attorney,
Joe Roediger, who told me of Bob's death.
...Jim Thompson
Proof positive that the "good die Young" I guess.
One of his patents was a zero offset amplifier IC. It was a great improvement
over one of the circuits I used at TMC. I hope my attempt started him
thinking. Always nice to repay a favor. He supported me on my patent. I
would imagine he retained Joe Roediger for his patent work. He and I were
working on a modem for high data rates through a voice width channel when he
died. The project died with him, and his 2nd wife threw all his work away.
Since he was doing the receive end, I was out of luck.
His heart attack was at home in the shower, by the time the paramedics arrived
it was too late to do much. They transported him to the hospital and he died
shortly after. I suspect his was a "Coronary Thromboses."
Bob was a workaholic, and his second wife liked me coming to visit because I
would bring a girl friend and take them out for dinner and dancing for pay back
for her feeding me lunches. He finally took the hint and they began to go out
more often.
I actually miss the guy. I've lost so many friends due to death and the bad
economy causing them to move away. strange world!