???? AM I A CROOK ????
(too old to reply)
2005-05-22 02:06:56 UTC
Collins & Aikman Products Corp.

Former CEO of the company David A. Stockman has quit his postion and given a tidy 20 Million Dollar going away present for his gallant efforts to ruin the company.
Shortly after his "retirement" the company is forced to file bankruptcy and now is on the verge of bringing the automotive industry to a grinding halt !!
Collins & Aikman owes millions of Dollars to small suppliers who can scarcely operate in this political environment and now the automotive supplier giant is taking them to the cleaners in bankruptcy !!
Previous CEO Jerry Mosingo was similarly retired several years ago and was promised payments on his retirement...... when these NEVER came he also filed suit against the corporate giant.

We here in the UAW would like to ask our fellow workers to petition their congressman for an investigation into Stockmans Financial affairs and those of His wife Jennifer, who is the Nation Co-Chairman for the republican Majority for Choice. and also a BlackStone Partner, former owners of Collins & Aikman !!
Stockman lives on an 11 Million Dollar estate on Conyers Farm Road in Greenwich Connecticut.
We in the UAW believe that Stockman has falsely represented his company and has dishonored his alliance with the UAW and should be made to forfit any bonus earnings while CEO.

Remember ..... the JOB you save could be your OWN !!!
2005-05-22 04:17:06 UTC
Post by i***@colaik.com
Collins & Aikman Products Corp.
Former CEO of the company David A. Stockman has quit his postion and given
a tidy 20 Million Dollar going away present for his gallant efforts to ruin
the company.
Post by i***@colaik.com
Shortly after his "retirement" the company is forced to file bankruptcy
and now is on the verge of bringing the automotive industry to a grinding
halt !!
Post by i***@colaik.com
Collins & Aikman owes millions of Dollars to small suppliers who can
scarcely operate in this political environment and now the automotive
supplier giant is taking them to the cleaners in bankruptcy !!
Post by i***@colaik.com
Previous CEO Jerry Mosingo was similarly retired several years ago and was
promised payments on his retirement...... when these NEVER came he also
filed suit against the corporate giant.
Post by i***@colaik.com
We here in the UAW would like to ask our fellow workers to petition their
congressman for an investigation into Stockmans Financial affairs and those
of His wife Jennifer, who is the Nation Co-Chairman for the republican
Majority for Choice. and also a BlackStone Partner, former owners of Collins
& Aikman !!
Post by i***@colaik.com
Stockman lives on an 11 Million Dollar estate on Conyers Farm Road in Greenwich Connecticut.
We in the UAW believe that Stockman has falsely represented his company
and has dishonored his alliance with the UAW and should be made to forfit
any bonus earnings while CEO.
Post by i***@colaik.com
Remember ..... the JOB you save could be your OWN !!!
If what you say is true, then yes - this is theft. Grand theft. And things
like this have been commplace for the past 30 years.

Funny that Martha Stewart can go to prison for telling a little white lie,
but crooks like this are waltzing up and down Wall St. and nobody wants to
touch them.

Also strange, this guy's company probably spent many thousands on background
checks over the years to deny employment to people on the bottom who are
trying to put their lives back together. At the same time, the place is
being run aground by Captain Crook. I'm surprised he did'nt raid your
pension fund. Some people just love to rip off investors. Gotta love that
Wall St Hustle.

Auto suppliers were put on notice by Detroit a long time ago, "Go to China
or go out of business." It is just a massive case of union busting.
Lastly, there is no job to save. They've all been exported. Why the hell do
you think that we've got 2.2 million people in prison ? We've been sliding
into the shit for 20 years.

We need more reform party candidates. The US is not being served by either
party. Both parties are consumed with foreign policy, and they dont give a
damn about domestic issues. They think that prison is a panacea that will
fix all problems.
