File Sharing Software
(too old to reply)
Brian Hance
2003-08-07 11:03:41 UTC
So, what's peoples feeling on file sharing software? What's the best
one out there? Kaaza? Bear Share? What?

Kaaza seems to be the big one, but I'm not big on spyware.

Brian Hance
"I feel compelled to have the reader conjure Ralph Reed soiling his
panties. Perhaps it's an irrational distrust of organized religion
or the fact that he never returns my phone calls."
Janeane Garofalo from "Feel This Book"
Brian Hance
2003-08-08 08:59:32 UTC
Post by Brian Hance
So, what's peoples feeling on file sharing software? What's the best
one out there? Kaaza? Bear Share? What?
What are you trying to accomplish?
* Downloading pr0n, warez and MPAA/RIAA lawsuit fodder.
* Transporting viruses.
* Making your system almost completely insecure.
Hurm. I'm getting the impression you're not big on filesharing?

Mostly looking for RIAA lawsuit fodder.

Brian Hance
"I feel compelled to have the reader conjure Ralph Reed soiling his
panties. Perhaps it's an irrational distrust of organized religion
or the fact that he never returns my phone calls."
Janeane Garofalo from "Feel This Book"
Paul Wylie
2003-08-09 02:59:50 UTC
Post by Brian Hance
Hurm. I'm getting the impression you're not big on filesharing?
Sorry, but no. I try hard to stamp it out at work. It eats bandwidth,
spreads virii and increases my company's liability.

My dad got some kind of really nasty virus through KaZaa and ended up
paying Fry's Electronics $75 to reformat his machine because he wouldn't
wait for me to come over to his house and do it for him.
Post by Brian Hance
Mostly looking for RIAA lawsuit fodder.
Warez, pr0n and RIAA lawsuit fodder are more safely acquired via
alt.binaries.* newsgroups, regardless of the misuse of usenet in doing so.
They're getting harder to find, but there's still plenty of .MP3s out on
the various alt.binaries.* newsgroups. It's not as easy to find what
you're looking for (you usually have to be quite dogged about checking
every day, or get yourself one of the newsgroup harvester programs that
you can feed with the titles of what you're looking for), nor is it quite
as instantaneous, but it's more anonymous and still reasonably useable.

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