Post by Fred BloggsPost by n***@no1.comWhereas I support George W. and the allies in their action in Iraq, I
can't get it out of my mind what he did to a young girl in February of
1998 when he was governor of Texas. I'm talking about Karla Faye
Tucker. She was involved in a rather brutal murder in 1983 which was
not premeditated and for which she took full responsibility. In her 15
years in jail awaiting execution, she rahabilitated herself so well
that even hardened guards spoke up for her.
There are certain criminal acts where rehabilitation is not a
consideration and first degree murder is one of them. This means that
societal retribution and creating a persuasive example of punishment for
the purpose of inhibiting similarly minded individuals are the dominant
considerations. She was not executed for who she was, she was executed
for what she did. Society is prosecuting the crime and society will
decide what is best for itself, you can't have all sorts of personal
exceptions arising if you expect the system to have any good effect. The
track record for wrongful executions in the US is not so good though,
the official number is running at +200-something throughout history. If
you want to change that then stop whining about some white trash, and
start doing something about corrupt law enforcement and prosecutors, the
death sentence is most appropriate for some of the heinous acts they
have committed.
Very good! Very correct!
I cite Waco! To claim that had a $2 million day cost to be there
was ludicrous.
Then, there is the constitutional issue, as well as valid warrant to
be there at all.
One does not deliver a warrant to search via SWAT team from second
story NON-traditional entry ports to a building, and then claim that
as a valid method of carrying out a warrant, or a validation to
assault the place after things go awry.
I hope you added their number to your 200+ number above. They all
died quite horribly.
Capital cases should all be reviewed after trial by an independent
party from another state not bordering the state in question.
Cases where the party was caught in the act would get approved ,and
executions carried out after a single appeal by the CONVICT.
Cases where the conviction is based on evidentiary proofs would be
individually reviewed by these boards, and levels of certainty defined
and set forth as guidelines for making the case declared bona fide
Kill the bastards! Kill 'em all!
Rapists, and other violent offenders get sent to an island prison.
A place ran by prisoners that they never return from, and lose 20 to
40 years off their life expectancy, the day they arrive.
These are the punishments that violent fuckheads in this world
deserve. There is no psych evals going to save them.
You don't pull some heinous act, then act like drugs or dementia was
the root cause, and you should be treated nicely since it wasn't
really you.
Kids in school that fight should get expelled, and their parent get
ONE more chance with them the next year.
Assault is a felony for adults. For kids, the parents should be
cited for raising a fucking monster, punk piece of shit.
The kid should get ONE more chance to shape the fuck up.
NO kids should be driving at 16, or be having fucking cars bought
for them. ALL schools across the nation should have mandatory
schooling on driver ethics and ways and means, long before they ever
get near the wheel of a car, and a license should be a lot harder to
get, and harder to keep than it currently is. If the cops start
writing fucking speeding tickets in residential areas, like their lame
asses are supposed to, instead of having coffee and doughnuts, and
busting on blacks, and long hairs, we'd have a nation where kids grow
up knowing what the fuck the word RULES means again. Hell, even the
cops drive like retards when they are not on their way to any call of
any kind, much less an emergency. One more reason why they are
oblivious to the driving conditions we have today.
If we separated our younger kids from their older, retarded, corrupt
siblings, and sent them out on separate recesses at school, we could
give kids back their values, and teach them again what honor and
character is. Don't let them out at night either. Parents have lost
all responsibility. The fault is all adult, folks.
These pieces of shit coming out of the elementary school systems
today show that parents, teachers, and administrators are retarded
pieces of shit. The percentage of Johnnys that come out of school on
the wrong side of the fence is astounding! Many of those have parents
which are encouraging them.