Post by u***@juno.comAnd I guess it won't have too much immediate effect on me, but I still weep
for the victims of the invasion.
Well, what a wonderful, bleeding heart comment. Don't forget to be happy for
those who now enjoy freedoms that they never even dreamed of? They outnumber
the 'victims' by a huge margin.
Could you name one please?
Post by u***@juno.comTrouble with you and your ilk is that you think freedom is free, and that just
talking about it makes it happen.
OK, I see you're of the "I'm gonna save your soul if I have to bomb
you back to the stone age to do it" mentality.
Did any of these countries _ask_ to have the US invade and kill
thousands in the name of "freedom"?
Post by u***@juno.comGood vs evil is going to spill blood, and as
was said so eloquently in the past, "the tree of liberty must occasionally be
refreshed with the blood of patriots."
That's right, which is what the Iraqis are doing. They are patriots,
you know. The US is the aggressor in Iraq, and no amount of rhetoric can
make that not true.
Post by u***@juno.comIt is the responsibility of all those who experience and benefit from freedom,
to share that with all who live on this earth.
And the only way to do that is to simply allow them their freedom
as well.
I'm sorry if their version of "freedom" isn't the same as yours, but
making it your call, I'm sorry to report, makes you the bad guy.
Post by u***@juno.comCan't be done to everyone all
at once, but sooner or later, we must face down all the tyrants,
That's what a lot of us were trying to do here. But I guess we'll
have to let the US experience the consequences of their "choice."
And murdering people is still wrong.
Post by u***@juno.comand all the
abusive governments and at least try to give their people a taste of what we
so often take for granted.
You mean like, "Not being bombed in your sleep"?
Post by u***@juno.comHow selfish would it be to just sit here and enjoy
all that we have, and not try to share it, in spite of the cost? Have you no
soul at all?
This is the most bass-ackwards kind of doublethink there is.
You have rationalized mass murder under the guise of "sharing the wealth."
You are either very very ill, or simply evil.
Post by u***@juno.comTry and see the big picture.
I do, you dupe.
I expect you would have been out protesting the
Post by u***@juno.comAmerican Revolution because people were choosing to die for what they believe
Nope, I'm on the side of the freedom fighters, throwing off the chains
of the oppressors. This time, the freedom fighters are in Iraq, and the
oppressors are the US, and if you still refuse to see that, then that
is prima facie proof that you are a nazi sympathizer.
Post by u***@juno.comThere will be no peace anywhere until people understand that peace does
not spring from negotiating with, and trusting evil.
No, it springs from negotiating with people, and being trustworthy.
The embodiment of evil is the one who kills while calling it anything
but murder.
The only "peace" that comes from mass murder is the "peace" of the morgue.
Post by u***@juno.comThat is why this country
is doomed. Too many bleeding hearts with no guts, and a sad
misconception that just wishing for something will make it happen.
No, this country is doomed because it has chosen death over life.
Post by u***@juno.comMaybe
you can get an EasyBake Oven that way, but peace and freedom require
vigilance and a willingness to sacrifice all if necessary, for the
greater good.
Well, we gave it our best shot.
If you think "killing thousands of people" is somehow included in this
"greater good" fantasy of yours, then I have very little hope for
your redemption.
Post by u***@juno.comOnce you show the wolves that you will not defend your
territory, they will tear you apart.
Yup. Nazis too.
Post by u***@juno.comSpineless people can't stand up for anything.
No, they can't. Which is why they install evil dictators over them
and cheerlead their murderous crusade.
Thanks for demonstrating, once again, the pervasiveness of the
power of self-deception.