Blair P. Houghton
2003-10-14 02:51:19 UTC
Anyone got it? Anyone getting it? Anyone but me get
interrupted in the middle of the Sox game to go answer
the door for their salesman?
They say they're delivering digital TV through existing
copper phone lines. Mine loop-qualified like crap for
DSL, but the guy said they'd run new copper for this
if necessary. Even so. Twisted pair vs. coax, and they
claim *better* digital quality? It doesn't parse.
He made a big deal about "16 extra channels", but that's
apparently 16 more than Cox Digital. I still have Cox
Analog, so really, I'll pick up about 50 channels if I go
this way. Maybe. The brochure says 199 channels with
a full package (45 of them "music" channels, apparently),
and 100 with a basic package, but then only lists about 90...
If I make a change, I'm choosing between DirecTV and this
Qwest Choice stuff, because the feature-set for Cox Digital
doesn't impress me at all. So has anyone seen what QC is
actually like?
"And yes, if they have a cartoony remote,
I don't want them."
interrupted in the middle of the Sox game to go answer
the door for their salesman?
They say they're delivering digital TV through existing
copper phone lines. Mine loop-qualified like crap for
DSL, but the guy said they'd run new copper for this
if necessary. Even so. Twisted pair vs. coax, and they
claim *better* digital quality? It doesn't parse.
He made a big deal about "16 extra channels", but that's
apparently 16 more than Cox Digital. I still have Cox
Analog, so really, I'll pick up about 50 channels if I go
this way. Maybe. The brochure says 199 channels with
a full package (45 of them "music" channels, apparently),
and 100 with a basic package, but then only lists about 90...
If I make a change, I'm choosing between DirecTV and this
Qwest Choice stuff, because the feature-set for Cox Digital
doesn't impress me at all. So has anyone seen what QC is
actually like?
"And yes, if they have a cartoony remote,
I don't want them."