Post by Robert MachadoHello all,
I've decided at this point not to search out a 3rd party to read NGs. I
don't spend enough time on the groups anymore to justify signing up and
learning the whole procedure just for this group and the one other group I
Bummer. Well, maybe we'll all wind up on a FroGlo Facebook group or
something similar some day. Just because none of us are on Facebook now
doesn't mean we'll never give in.
Post by Robert MachadoI had a good experience with this group over the years. The one thing my
wife and I still talk about is the PrimeFroGlo meeting at the Chinese
restaurant with the round table and the guy who came up from Tucson who
drank and ate and then exclaimed that he didn't bring any money.
I remember that incident. That will definitely live on in infamy.
Post by Robert MachadoIn the same vein, I feel like I still owe Nathan about $15 for covering
the extra portion of a tab I had where I underestimated the amount of
cash that I needed. I had a debit card to pay with, but they wanted
to do one tab, and he covered me for what I didn't bring. If Nathan
reads this, I hope he emails me so I can pay this debt that he probably
has no recollection of.
I'm sure Nathan doesn't remember it, but if it's eating you up inside,
email Billy. Billy still keeps in contact with Nathan. I bet he could
get word to Nathan of your desire to make good.
Post by Robert MachadoShould anyone want to get hold of me, fel free to reply to this email
as the address is not munged. But, I suspect that I won't be talking to
amny of you again. It's odd writing this, but since we weren't *that*
close, it doesn't feel like a huge thing, but it does bring a tiny bit
of closure to part of my life.
Well, it's definitely a bummer to see one of the old gang signing off,
even if (A) nobody posts here anymore and (B) we were never that close in
the first place. I blame Hosun. This place was vibrant and lively until
he vanished and took his friends with him.
Curse you, Hosun!
Okay, I don't really curse Hosun. I blame getting old. It's been 8 years
since the great FroGlo purge. It's really amazing that any of us are
still posting here 8 years on. Couple that with the ongoing death of
Usenet, and it was inevitable.
Oh well, have a good life.
** Note "removemunged" in email address and remove to reply. **