The first part I will drink to. Yes, it is used to depress unwanted
emotions by some people, but it does do some good for other people.
Alcohol is also a stimulant to the peripheral nervous system, which is
what causes trouble. Brain is depressed, body wants to do something.
But nicotine is also a CNS depressant, and I will not say that this may
not be a benefit to someone.
The area of second hand smoke has been studied, in the context of people
who lived together for at least 20 years, where one of them smoked at
least two packs a day, and one did not, and the one that did not was dead.
The question to be answered was "what did they die of?". The answer was
that they died of the same things, in the same percentages, as people in
general. Nothing stood out, given all that second hand smoke.
That particular study was ignored by the EPA, but not ignored by a Federal
Judge, who refused to enforce part of their rules, on grounds of fraud,
but did note that kids do not like the smell. This is new enough that a
web search might find some tracks of it, but otherwise such is found in
technical journals in a specialty library. That is if you want to read the
original study. Ask a librarian. Finding stuff like that is what they do.
Paul Wylie <***> writes:
: Brian Trosko <***> wrote:
: [...]
: > Alcohol is a drug, a toxin, a poison. In mild doses it causes depression
: > of the central nervous system, and increases the user's risk of various
: > forms of cancer. It also is addictive, psychologically and physically.
: [...]
: Actually, alcohol in mild doses has been shown repeatedly to have health
: benefits. It acts as a natural blood thinner, reducing the risk of stroke
: and heart attacks, much the way aspirin does. The health risks associated
: with alcohol come from repeated ingestion of large quantities. Also, I
: know of no evidence that alcohol is physically addictive--recent research
: seems to indicate that alcoholism itself is actually a symptom of clinical
: depression or related emotional/brain maladies.
: > Ingesting either of these substances is harmful. Bars base their
: > business on facilitating the consumption of alcohol by their customers.
: > Bars therefore base their business on endangering the public, and by
: > your own argument, you support their eradication.
: [...]
: Your argument is based on the flawed assumption that all consumption of
: alcohol is harmful to those consuming it, which is clearly not the case.
: Also, the consumption of alcohol by one person does not inevitably involve
: the passive consumption of alcohol by others nearby. Your analogy doesn't
: work. Any claims you make regarding the deleterious effects of alcohol
: must be considered in the context of *abusive* consumption. Moderate
: consumption is beneficial--not deleterious. There is no such health
: benefit for moderate consumption of nicotine by smoking.
: --Paul
: ** Note "removemunged" in email address and remove to reply. **
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