Is anybody still here?
(too old to reply)
Bob Nielsen
2008-10-27 16:12:05 UTC
Todd Rich
2008-10-27 16:50:35 UTC
Yep. Though I wonder if the lack of posts means that everybody had
recovered from Primenet.

A couple of weeks back, I setup a computer for a friend of mine in NYC who
happened to be on Primenet back when he lived in AZ.
Bob Nielsen
2008-10-27 20:43:18 UTC
Post by Todd Rich
Yep. Though I wonder if the lack of posts means that everybody had
recovered from Primenet.
A couple of weeks back, I setup a computer for a friend of mine in NYC who
happened to be on Primenet back when he lived in AZ.
I've been off Primenet for over 8 years. A few weeks after I moved to
the Seattle area, I switched to oz.net with Qwest DSL. Later Oz merged
with The River, so I had an AZ ISP again. They were later bought out by
Nationwide and the service went downhill fast. I've been using
Clearwire Wi-Max for the past year. I just realized this morning that I
hadn't resubscribed to a.p.r since I last changed Usenet hosts.
2008-10-28 06:59:44 UTC
Well, I am still here. Although there are almost no posts anymore. Not
even spam. I actually got excited seeing a post. :-)

I went from Primenet/Global whatever they became to Juno(cheap) for a
while, then I found Deru while still in Phoenixwhen I could afford a
real ISP again. They were almost as good, but didn't have a newsgroup
like Primenet did. I ended up giving them up when I moved in (and
later got married) with someone who had Cox out there. Yuck!!! Then we
moved to Ohio, and have been with Time Warner. If it were up to me, I
would be with Deru still, I think they are in most of Ohio now, but
the wife likes having all the bills in one(phone, internet, and
cable)(cable, another yuck, I was a longtime DirecTV customer).

My wife actually uses AOL, accesses it online instead of dialup. She
still gets upset when I say she has a virus on her computer. :-)

I never got email setup with TimeWarner, after changing so often in
the past I decided that using my Juno email that I have had forever
made more sense.

Paul Wylie
2008-10-29 01:15:59 UTC
Billy Y., Todd Rich, John Bennett, Brian Trosko, and I all moved to Panix
during the great Primenet sell-off of '01. I think Hosun did, too, but
then he dropped off the face of the earth.

** Note "removemunged" in email address and remove to reply. **
2008-10-29 16:16:45 UTC
In article <ge8dgf$m79$***@reader1.panix.com>,
Paul Wylie <***@teamwylie.removemunged.org> wrote:
:Bob Nielsen <***@dontspam.me> wrote:
:> ping
:Billy Y., Todd Rich, John Bennett, Brian Trosko, and I all moved to Panix
:during the great Primenet sell-off of '01. I think Hosun did, too, but
:then he dropped off the face of the earth.
:** Note "removemunged" in email address and remove to reply. **

I also moved from Primenet to Panix in '01. What a great move that

Robert Machado
2008-10-31 14:39:02 UTC
I'm still hanging around. I check the group about once a week to see if
anything popped up, and most of the time, there's nothing.

Kelly and I attended a couple of the Prime/Fro/Glo lunches in Phoenix, and
we up and moved to Monterey, CA about 3 years ago. WE still talk about the
lunch at the Asain restaurant (a round table!) where one of the guys drove
up from Tucson in his truck, and was then very proud that he had a lot to
drink, ordered his food, ate his food and whatever else came around, and
then promptly said that he was broke. We went to two others, one where
Nathan showed up, and a third that I don't rememebr much about, but it was
on the first floor of a restaurant somewhere in Phoenix. I remember it
being crowded.

As I never really had any contact with anyone with APR outside of this
newsgroup and the three lunches, I have no updates on anyone else. I
thought I remember hearing that Hosun was in Santa Clara (a couple hours up
the road from us), but he must have packed up the beemer and headed to other

James J. Lippard
2008-11-06 03:31:12 UTC
I'm still here, sort of... don't read Usenet much anymore.
Post by Robert Machado
I'm still hanging around. I check the group about once a week to see if
anything popped up, and most of the time, there's nothing.
Kelly and I attended a couple of the Prime/Fro/Glo lunches in Phoenix, and
we up and moved to Monterey, CA about 3 years ago. WE still talk about the
lunch at the Asain restaurant (a round table!) where one of the guys drove
up from Tucson in his truck, and was then very proud that he had a lot to
drink, ordered his food, ate his food and whatever else came around, and
then promptly said that he was broke. We went to two others, one where
Nathan showed up, and a third that I don't rememebr much about, but it was
on the first floor of a restaurant somewhere in Phoenix. I remember it
being crowded.
As I never really had any contact with anyone with APR outside of this
newsgroup and the three lunches, I have no updates on anyone else. I
thought I remember hearing that Hosun was in Santa Clara (a couple hours up
the road from us), but he must have packed up the beemer and headed to other
Jim Lippard lippard-***@discord.org http://www.discord.org/
GPG Key ID: 0xF8D42CFE
Jay Elston
2009-04-14 00:41:57 UTC
I'm still here too, but read usenet even less than Jim does :-)
2009-04-16 06:48:56 UTC
Post by Jay Elston
I'm still here too, but read usenet even less than Jim does :-)
I am still around. Using Motzerella(sp?) since TW dropped Usenet.
Seems like most groups I still subscribe to are feeling the pain of
less Usenet access. Hardly any posts on most, but still this one ranks
number one for least amount. :-(
I check my groups every day mostly. Sometimes I wonder why though.
