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Jim Thompson
2004-11-03 16:23:28 UTC
Just on the news...

Kerry concedes in call to Bush.

Daschle loses Senate race!

"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Fred Bloggs
2004-11-04 14:41:00 UTC
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Chuck Harris
2004-11-04 15:21:18 UTC
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Really? Do tell!

Rich Grise
2004-11-04 21:42:08 UTC
Post by Chuck Harris
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Really? Do tell!
Well, I am kind of planning on watching the situation and see what
really does happen. It turns out I'm as lousy at soothsaying as I am
at mind-reading. :-)

Americans have muddled through some tough times in the past, and
if you look around and chat with "the man in the street", and so on,
it seems that, other than the fact that half the US population and
the entire rest of the world hate G.W.Bush, you'd never be able to
prove that "times is tough."

Who cares if America is making war on some country thousands of
miles away - Hey, it's great for the economy! Or something.

Mark Fergerson
2004-11-04 16:50:02 UTC
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
And what price will the Dems pay for their similar behaviors?

Mark L. Fergerson
Rich Grise
2004-11-04 21:44:37 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
And what price will the Dems pay for their similar behaviors?
You do mean, "notwithstanding they haven't perpetrated any discretionary
assault that has resulted in the deaths of thousands in the last four

2004-11-04 21:55:43 UTC
Post by Fred Bloggs
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not!
Well, they ought to have turned out and voted. Best I can see is less than 60
million of them showed up. (of course you are including babies and school
children in your total, which is ludicrous at best)

" In the 37 elections since 1860 - the first won by a Republican - Democrats
have won only 14. Only twice in 15 post-World War II elections has the
Democratic nominee achieved 50 percent of the vote."

George F. Will 11-4-04

Not a good 150 years for the demos. I think most of them would prefer it if
the liberal end of the party went its own way, and let the rest of them, the
majority of them, go back to there basic roots and beliefs. Liberals have
wiped out any hope for the democratic ticket.

There are three or four democrats who could have beaten Bush. Maybe instead of
wringing their hands in despair, democrats ought to consider doing something
about the Primary process, which basically allowed Iowa and NH to choose their
candidate. Perhaps that choice ought to be made at the convention, rather than
on the farm in the midwest?

Both sides whine about the electoral college, voter registration process
failures, and disenfranchised voters, but most all democrats were totally
disenfranchised when two or three small states basically told all the others
that Kerry was the one who would run. How stupid is that?

Rich Grise
2004-11-05 04:18:14 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Fred Bloggs
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not!
Well, they ought to have turned out and voted. Best I can see is less than 60
million of them showed up. (of course you are including babies and school
children in your total, which is ludicrous at best)
" In the 37 elections since 1860 - the first won by a Republican - Democrats
have won only 14. Only twice in 15 post-World War II elections has the
Democratic nominee achieved 50 percent of the vote."
George F. Will 11-4-04
Not a good 150 years for the demos. I think most of them would prefer it if
the liberal end of the party went its own way, and let the rest of them, the
majority of them, go back to there basic roots and beliefs. Liberals have
wiped out any hope for the democratic ticket.
There are three or four democrats who could have beaten Bush. Maybe instead of
wringing their hands in despair, democrats ought to consider doing something
about the Primary process, which basically allowed Iowa and NH to choose their
candidate. Perhaps that choice ought to be made at the convention, rather than
on the farm in the midwest?
Both sides whine about the electoral college, voter registration process
failures, and disenfranchised voters, but most all democrats were totally
disenfranchised when two or three small states basically told all the others
that Kerry was the one who would run. How stupid is that?
Evidently pretty stupid. Even I can see that Kerry was about the worst
possible choice to put up against Bush. And when he started saying that
he'd be just as aggressive as Pres. Bush in his pursuit of terrorism,
he suddenly was pretty much indistinguishable.

Actually, I have to admit I've been doing one-issue ranting, focusing
entirely on the invasion.

Well, I believe I have successfully demonstrated that I can't swing an
election by sitting here at my computer and ranting. :-\
Mark Fergerson
2004-11-05 15:04:46 UTC
Post by Rich Grise
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
And what price will the Dems pay for their similar behaviors?
You do mean, "notwithstanding they haven't perpetrated any discretionary
assault that has resulted in the deaths of thousands in the last four
Isn't the saddle on that hobbyhorse of yours getting a
bit lumpy? I was referring to the "seriously underhanded and
criminal behavior" of the Dems in re: the election.

Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.

Oh, BTW, which party was in charge when the French ought
to have repelled the invaders at Normandy? After all, they
should have been "protecting their homes" too, right?

Mark L. Fergerson
Rich Grise
2004-11-05 19:04:09 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, to name a few.

Mark Fergerson
2004-11-05 19:35:13 UTC
Post by Rich Grise
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, to name a few.
Afghanistan was about OBL. Don't ask me what it's about
now. Note that they had less trouble with their election
than we did now that OBL's in a cave somewhere.

Lebanon was somebody else's party we got dragged into due
to treaty obligations. Bad idea, but we did sign up for it.
Also, try to remember that we weren't in there alone, much
less first. Lebanon ought to be the "modern Vietnam" you
like to rail about anyway, not Iraq.

Where the hell _is_ Palestine, anyway? What makes the
"Palestinians'" current claim to that particular sandpatch
any more valid than anyone else's? How the fuck is what's
happening there _my_ fault, anyway?

Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.

Mark L. Fergerson
Frank Bemelman
2004-11-05 19:43:22 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.

Deaths since september 2000, look here:


974 Isrealis, 3426 Palestines.

Who is killing who?
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
2004-11-05 20:08:18 UTC
Post by Frank Bemelman
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
So did Jimmy Carter. They both deserve the same fate.

Winning a Noble Prize doesn't mean jack, anywhere but in the media, and the
minds of those who are totally clueless.

Arafat is a murderer, and a terrorist, and deserves nothing but death. Go
ahead, call me anything you want. Apparently some people think the man only
came into the world scene ten years ago. Well guess what, he has been
slaughtering and teaching hate for longer than some folks on this list have
been alive.

Good riddance to him, and take Jimmy C with you.

Jim Thompson
2004-11-05 20:14:14 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Frank Bemelman
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
So did Jimmy Carter. They both deserve the same fate.
Winning a Noble Prize doesn't mean jack, anywhere but in the media, and the
minds of those who are totally clueless.
Arafat is a murderer, and a terrorist, and deserves nothing but death. Go
ahead, call me anything you want. Apparently some people think the man only
came into the world scene ten years ago. Well guess what, he has been
slaughtering and teaching hate for longer than some folks on this list have
been alive.
Good riddance to him, and take Jimmy C with you.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
2004-11-05 21:03:39 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Frank Bemelman
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
So did Jimmy Carter. They both deserve the same fate.
Winning a Noble Prize doesn't mean jack, anywhere but in the media, and the
minds of those who are totally clueless.
Arafat is a murderer, and a terrorist, and deserves nothing but death. Go
ahead, call me anything you want. Apparently some people think the man only
came into the world scene ten years ago. Well guess what, he has been
slaughtering and teaching hate for longer than some folks on this list have
been alive.
Good riddance to him, and take Jimmy C with you.
He while your at it, get those hate mongers in the Democratic Party too!
Mark Fergerson
2004-11-05 22:40:06 UTC
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
No, he was awarded that for not blowing up Stockholm.

Exactly _what_ has Arafat done to stop all the killing?
Post by Frank Bemelman
974 Isrealis, 3426 Palestines.
Who is killing who?
Who gives a fuck? The "Palestinians" cannot build a
society anyway. If you choose to claim that Israel couldn't
either without massive U.S. aid, where were all the
"helpful" Arabs when the "Palestinians" were in need?
Covering their own asses and hoping the Jews would kill all
the "Palestinians", that's where.

Mark L. Fergerson
Frank Bemelman
2004-11-05 23:19:09 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
No, he was awarded that for not blowing up Stockholm.
Exactly _what_ has Arafat done to stop all the killing?
Exactly what has Isreal done?
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
974 Isrealis, 3426 Palestines.
Who is killing who?
Who gives a fuck? The "Palestinians" cannot build a
society anyway.
Who gives a fuck??? What kind of an answer is that? If
Isreal keeps on killing 3+ palestines for each israeli,
the tragedies will never end.
Post by Mark Fergerson
If you choose to claim that Israel couldn't
either without massive U.S. aid, where were all the
"helpful" Arabs when the "Palestinians" were in need?
Covering their own asses and hoping the Jews would kill all
the "Palestinians", that's where.
I have no idea why the Arabs have not given more financial
aid to the Palestines. Maybe they want to stay neutral,
need to stay neutral. Perhaps someone can shed some light
on this, I don't think your explanation is the correct
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-06 03:26:22 UTC
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
No, he was awarded that for not blowing up Stockholm.
Exactly _what_ has Arafat done to stop all the killing?
Exactly what has Isreal done?
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
974 Isrealis, 3426 Palestines.
Who is killing who?
Who gives a fuck? The "Palestinians" cannot build a
society anyway.
Who gives a fuck??? What kind of an answer is that? If
Isreal keeps on killing 3+ palestines for each israeli,
the tragedies will never end.
Post by Mark Fergerson
If you choose to claim that Israel couldn't
either without massive U.S. aid, where were all the
"helpful" Arabs when the "Palestinians" were in need?
Covering their own asses and hoping the Jews would kill all
the "Palestinians", that's where.
I have no idea why the Arabs have not given more financial
aid to the Palestines. Maybe they want to stay neutral,
need to stay neutral. Perhaps someone can shed some light
on this, I don't think your explanation is the correct
The US has "treaty obligations" to Israel, and they've seen
what the Israel/US war machine can do.

I.e., they're scared shitless. But simmering.

Mark Fergerson
2004-11-09 00:12:28 UTC
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to
convince the
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
locals to build a society instead of continuing
centuries of
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
No, he was awarded that for not blowing up Stockholm.
Exactly _what_ has Arafat done to stop all the killing?
Exactly what has Isreal done?
Tried to selectively kill the most bloodthirsty of the
"Palestinian" leaders, tried to build walls to keep the
bombers out, and so on, none of which works because the two
sides have two entirely different objectives.

The Israelis want the "Palestinians" to stop trying to
kill all of them and build something resembling a society,
but the "Palestinians" are solely interested in
exterminating the Israelis.

Now stop and think for a minute; do you really believe
that the hands-down winners of the Six-Day War couldn't have
exterminated the "Palestinians" if they had wanted to at any
time, at will? Of course they could, but they haven't. They
have plenty of justification (in local terms), yet they've
held back. Why do you think that might be?
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
974 Isrealis, 3426 Palestines.
Who is killing who?
Who gives a fuck? The "Palestinians" cannot build a
society anyway.
Who gives a fuck??? What kind of an answer is that?
The only kind that makes any sense when considering
suicidal fools that are uninterested in building a society.
Post by Frank Bemelman
Isreal keeps on killing 3+ palestines for each israeli,
the tragedies will never end.
Eventually there will be no "Palestinians" left who want
to exterminate the Israelis.

Calling that a "tragedy" depends on your point of view.
Personally, I think the real tragedy is that the rank and
file "Palestinians" are following bloodthirsty fools who are
"leading them to victory" with no consideration of survival
either short or long term. That is, the survival of anyone
except their own precious asses. Ask yourself why that
goatlipped old bastard is still (allegedly) breathing
instead of having "righteously" strapped a bomb to himself
long ago as he exhorts others to do. Because he's a
hypocritical coward, that's why.
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
If you choose to claim that Israel couldn't
either without massive U.S. aid, where were all the
"helpful" Arabs when the "Palestinians" were in need?
Covering their own asses and hoping the Jews would kill all
the "Palestinians", that's where.
I have no idea why the Arabs have not given more financial
aid to the Palestines. Maybe they want to stay neutral,
need to stay neutral. Perhaps someone can shed some light
on this, I don't think your explanation is the correct
Your ignorance of Middle Eastern politics (and world
politics in general) is showing. Learn more instead of
parroting somebody else's bullshit. While you're about it,
learn why the rest of the Arab world refused to give the
"Palestinians" support or refuge in the first place (when
Israel was re-founded). The "Palestinians" were the despised
trash of the Arab world then, and still are. They were
permitted to hold that territory solely because they
couldn't form alliances with any _real_ local powers, and
everyone in the Arab world had equal access to Jerusalem.

Now ask why the Six-Day War didn't turn out any other way.

Mark L. Fergerson
2004-11-08 10:54:13 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Arafat has won a Nobel Prize for Peace. Would you care to
explain? It's not a prize you win for sitting around the
table just once.
No, he was awarded that for not blowing up Stockholm.
Exactly _what_ has Arafat done to stop all the killing?
While I don't think Arafat should have got a peace prize, the Isrealis
have not exactly made it easy for him to prevent killing. They have a
nasty habit of bombing the Palestinian police stations and then blaming
the Palestinian authorities for not doing enough to prevent terrorism.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Frank Bemelman
974 Isrealis, 3426 Palestines.
Who is killing who?
Both sides are terrorists - the only difference is that the Isrealis were
uniforms, have better weapons, and are officially supported by the state.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Who gives a fuck? The "Palestinians" cannot build a
society anyway. If you choose to claim that Israel couldn't
How could you expect the Palestinians to build a society? Every time they
build a house two stories high, it gets bulldozed. Any infrastructure
gets hit by helicopter gunships, and civilians are driven off to live in
refuge camps.
Post by Mark Fergerson
either without massive U.S. aid, where were all the
"helpful" Arabs when the "Palestinians" were in need?
Covering their own asses and hoping the Jews would kill all
the "Palestinians", that's where.
Mark L. Fergerson
Jim Thompson
2004-11-05 20:07:46 UTC
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 12:35:13 -0700, Mark Fergerson <***@biz.ness>

Post by Mark Fergerson
Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Mark L. Fergerson
I always hoped that the Israeli's, in one of their bull-dozing
episodes, had "slipped" ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-05 23:23:50 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Rich Grise
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, to name a few.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Doesn't take much to trip your wire, does it?

Mark Fergerson
2004-11-07 21:27:44 UTC
Post by Rich The Philosophizer
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by Rich Grise
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, to name a few.
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off
blaming _me_ for a local warlord's inability to convince the
locals to build a society instead of continuing centuries of
idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism? Fucking braindead asshole Arafat
does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in his sleep.
Doesn't take much to trip your wire, does it?
Yeah, three thousand plus dead Americans shouldn't set me
off like that.

Fucking arrogant OBL can't keep his shit together and
blames everyone but himself.

Mark L. Fergerson
2004-11-07 21:55:10 UTC
Post by Rich The Philosophizer
Post by Rich Grise
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the 9-11 events
were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, to name a few.
Where does some fucking jumped-up wannabe prophet get off blaming _me_
for a local warlord's inability to convince the locals to build a
society instead of continuing centuries of idiotic Hatfield/McCoyism?
Fucking braindead asshole Arafat does _not_ deserve to die peacefully in
his sleep.
Doesn't take much to trip your wire, does it?
Yeah, three thousand plus dead Americans shouldn't set me off like that.
Fucking arrogant OBL can't keep his shit together and blames everyone
but himself.
Mark L. Fergerson
9/11 may have come and gone, but make no mistake about it, MANY have NOT
forgotten. I - for one. I may not agree with what all our President is
doing, but I am still full blooded American and will do my part to defend
against the CSers such as OBL. I hope him and all his followers die a very
horrible death. Afghanistan should have been nuked, there is no way he would
have escaped. From here in - anyone who screws with us should pay the price.
To hell with playing by "rules". They don't. WHY the hell should we? KICK

Frank Bemelman
2004-11-05 19:34:57 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.

IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
2004-11-05 20:12:15 UTC
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
Yes, and by all means, we must accept what he said as the truth. No way its
for his own personal agenda. He is the world's fountain of truth, and everyone
else, except every liberal, is lying all the time, and always.

I am pretty sure most of you pretending to be leftists and liberals are really
just conservatives, out for a few jollies in usenet, saying incendiary stuff
just to get a rise out of people. Its a pretty good scam, to a point, but its
getting old. I could rattle off the usernames of half a dozen of you who are
only posting to see if you can get a rise out of others.

Its a good show, but it is probably time to move on, as whining only gets you
so far. To those who are "debating" with these coneheads, I suggest you wake
up and realize they are actually on your side, and just playing with you to
pass the time of day. Unemployed people living off the dole have very little
else to do with their time, so they come to usenet and assume a position they
know with incite arguments. Please don't encourage them. They need to get off
their butts and get jobs and contibute, rather than living off of welfare.

Time to change the channel.

Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-05 23:28:11 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
Yes, and by all means, we must accept what he said as the truth.
Well, it's just as likely to be true as anything anybody else
says about it.

Of course, that thought can't occur to an obedient minion. It
would be contrary to the programming.

2004-11-06 22:01:44 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
Yes, and by all means, we must accept what he said as the truth. No way its
for his own personal agenda. He is the world's fountain of truth, and everyone
else, except every liberal, is lying all the time, and always.
I am pretty sure most of you pretending to be leftists and liberals are really
just conservatives, out for a few jollies in usenet, saying incendiary stuff
just to get a rise out of people. Its a pretty good scam, to a point, but its
getting old. I could rattle off the usernames of half a dozen of you who are
only posting to see if you can get a rise out of others.
Its a good show, but it is probably time to move on, as whining only gets you
so far. To those who are "debating" with these coneheads, I suggest you wake
up and realize they are actually on your side, and just playing with you to
pass the time of day. Unemployed people living off the dole have very little
else to do with their time, so they come to usenet and assume a position they
know with incite arguments. Please don't encourage them. They need to get off
their butts and get jobs and contibute, rather than living off of welfare.
Time to change the channel.
I like that one, i could not have said it any better my self!.
and don't forget, most of those on welfare most likely got their
computers and internet connection given to them as well.
like the welfare idiots we have in this town, they actually have Debit
cares issued from the town for them to buy what ever they want!.
R. Steve Walz
2004-11-09 01:03:15 UTC
Post by Jamie
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
Yes, and by all means, we must accept what he said as the truth. No way its
for his own personal agenda. He is the world's fountain of truth, and everyone
else, except every liberal, is lying all the time, and always.
I am pretty sure most of you pretending to be leftists and liberals are really
just conservatives, out for a few jollies in usenet, saying incendiary stuff
just to get a rise out of people. Its a pretty good scam, to a point, but its
getting old. I could rattle off the usernames of half a dozen of you who are
only posting to see if you can get a rise out of others.
Its a good show, but it is probably time to move on, as whining only gets you
so far. To those who are "debating" with these coneheads, I suggest you wake
up and realize they are actually on your side, and just playing with you to
pass the time of day. Unemployed people living off the dole have very little
else to do with their time, so they come to usenet and assume a position they
know with incite arguments. Please don't encourage them. They need to get off
their butts and get jobs and contibute, rather than living off of welfare.
Time to change the channel.
I like that one, i could not have said it any better my self!.
and don't forget, most of those on welfare most likely got their
computers and internet connection given to them as well.
like the welfare idiots we have in this town, they actually have Debit
cares issued from the town for them to buy what ever they want!.
Nope, only food. Less trouble with them trading them than stamps.

-Steve Walz ***@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Fred Bloggs
2004-11-06 21:45:14 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
Yes, and by all means, we must accept what he said as the truth. No way its
for his own personal agenda. He is the world's fountain of truth, and everyone
else, except every liberal, is lying all the time, and always.
I am pretty sure most of you pretending to be leftists and liberals are really
just conservatives, out for a few jollies in usenet, saying incendiary stuff
just to get a rise out of people. Its a pretty good scam, to a point, but its
getting old. I could rattle off the usernames of half a dozen of you who are
only posting to see if you can get a rise out of others.
Its a good show, but it is probably time to move on, as whining only gets you
so far. To those who are "debating" with these coneheads, I suggest you wake
up and realize they are actually on your side, and just playing with you to
pass the time of day. Unemployed people living off the dole have very little
else to do with their time, so they come to usenet and assume a position they
know with incite arguments. Please don't encourage them. They need to get off
their butts and get jobs and contibute, rather than living off of welfare.
Time to change the channel.
Aren't you some kind of Mormon from that God forsaken hell hole that
gave Bush a 40pt spread? The uniformity of beliefs ought to be a
giveaway of what kind of people you are.
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-06 22:29:13 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
Yes, and by all means, we must accept what he said as the truth. No way its
for his own personal agenda. He is the world's fountain of truth, and everyone
else, except every liberal, is lying all the time, and always.
I am pretty sure most of you pretending to be leftists and liberals are really
just conservatives, out for a few jollies in usenet, saying incendiary stuff
just to get a rise out of people. Its a pretty good scam, to a point, but its
getting old. I could rattle off the usernames of half a dozen of you who are
only posting to see if you can get a rise out of others.
Its a good show, but it is probably time to move on, as whining only gets you
so far. To those who are "debating" with these coneheads,
Hey! I'll thank you to refrain from casting such aspersions on us

I, personally, have been told that I give good cone. This was while I was
in work-release and some guy was trying to hypnotize me, but that's
another story.


I suggest you wake
Post by u***@juno.com
up and realize they are actually on your side, and just playing with you to
pass the time of day. Unemployed people living off the dole have very little
else to do with their time, so they come to usenet and assume a position they
know with incite arguments. Please don't encourage them. They need to get off
their butts and get jobs and contibute, rather than living off of welfare.
Time to change the channel.
John Larkin
2004-11-05 20:31:02 UTC
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:34:57 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into the
bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and Egypt,
perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.

Frank Bemelman
2004-11-05 21:36:32 UTC
Post by John Larkin
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:34:57 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into the
bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and Egypt,
perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.
I didn't know that. Typical US response, if they don't fancy
a plain war, they start throwing money at it, or whatever it takes
to upset someone elses neighbourhood.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-05 23:32:16 UTC
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by John Larkin
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:34:57 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into the
bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and Egypt,
perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.
I didn't know that. Typical US response, if they don't fancy
a plain war, they start throwing money at it, or whatever it takes
to upset someone elses neighbourhood.
So, are you saying that death and destruction are better than
life and love?

Why does this not surprise me?

Frank Bemelman
2004-11-05 23:51:47 UTC
Post by Rich The Philosophizer
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by John Larkin
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:34:57 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into the
bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and Egypt,
perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.
I didn't know that. Typical US response, if they don't fancy
a plain war, they start throwing money at it, or whatever it takes
to upset someone elses neighbourhood.
So, are you saying that death and destruction are better than
life and love?
No, emptyhead, I'm telling you that the US always interferes, and
by carefully choosing which one gets 'aid' you can easily create
situations where people automatically start to kill one another.
Pumping money into Israels army, for instance. Day in, day out.
Post by Rich The Philosophizer
Why does this not surprise me?
Because you fill your memory with random thoughts. To freshen
up your memory, perhaps you have noticed that the last weeks I
have done not much else than showing my disapproval of Bush and
his great war on terror.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-06 03:31:08 UTC
Post by John Larkin
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:34:57 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into
the bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and
Egypt, perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.
No, emptyhead, I'm telling you that the US always interferes, and by
carefully choosing which one gets 'aid' you can easily create situations
where people automatically start to kill one another. Pumping money into
Israels army, for instance. Day in, day out.
I thought you were bitching about a boughten peace prize.

Are you saying, then, that the peace prize was bogus, and it wasn't
really about peace, and that Jimmy and Yassir weren't actually in
favor of peace?

Please, go slow. Maybe use little words.

2004-11-06 22:03:16 UTC
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by John Larkin
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into the
bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and Egypt,
perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.
I didn't know that. Typical US response, if they don't fancy
a plain war, they start throwing money at it, or whatever it takes
to upset someone elses neighbourhood.
it works don't it? ;)
2004-11-05 23:22:11 UTC
Post by John Larkin
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into the
bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and Egypt,
perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.
And he handed the Panama Canal over to the Chinese, for no charge.

If we ever end up in a conflict, and our access to the Canal is cut off, let
us remember to send Jimbo on a ahead to see if he can get the keys back

Bob Holtzman
2004-11-08 05:42:30 UTC
Post by u***@juno.com
And he handed the Panama Canal over to the Chinese, for no charge.
To the who?
Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
......check the price of the beer!"
To reply by email remove "hosed."
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-05 23:30:09 UTC
Post by John Larkin
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:34:57 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
Post by Frank Bemelman
Post by Mark Fergerson
Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.
IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.
Jimmy Carter purchased his Nobel Prize (and Arafat's, thrown into the
bargain) with six billion dollars worth of bribes to Israel and Egypt,
perhaps the most expensive handshake in history.
Well, personally, if I had 6 billion dollars to spend, I'd feel
much better about myself buying a peace prize than going on
unholy crusades.

Jim Thompson
2004-11-04 17:03:01 UTC
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Rich Grise
2004-11-04 21:47:50 UTC
Post by Jim Thompson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.
Yeah, well you and your neocon buddies seem to have managed to get
more votes. Apparently the "christian" "right" thinks he's the greatest
thing since buttered toast.

Oh, well. Guess we'd better start practicing our loyalty oaths.

BTW, I don't know if you saw the thread, but I apologize for the
lewd comment about whoring out your daughter. I was out of line,
and there is no excuse.

I'm sorry for that.

2004-11-04 21:53:36 UTC
Bloody Time you Flippin Yanks realize you are all one country!! Get over
the Billions of $$ spent for the elections, start feeding your own poor,
helping your own homeless, support your own retirees, reform your own tax
structure, and again become a model to the world!! The Bloody infighting
will do nothing for your union, or your status in the world society.
Post by Rich Grise
Post by Jim Thompson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.
Yeah, well you and your neocon buddies seem to have managed to get
more votes. Apparently the "christian" "right" thinks he's the greatest
thing since buttered toast.
Oh, well. Guess we'd better start practicing our loyalty oaths.
BTW, I don't know if you saw the thread, but I apologize for the
lewd comment about whoring out your daughter. I was out of line,
and there is no excuse.
I'm sorry for that.
Jim Thompson
2004-11-04 22:06:36 UTC
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 16:53:36 -0500, "Art" <***@comcast.net>

Art, You are woefully misinformed....
Post by Art
Bloody Time you Flippin Yanks realize you are all one country!! Get over
the Billions of $$ spent for the elections, start feeding your own poor,
We do. Are you not aware of the MANY charities which feed the poor?
And we have reverse taxation for the poor... they get money FROM the
government, and food stamps (actually most are now debit cards to use
in the grocery stores).
Post by Art
helping your own homeless, support your own retirees,
You've been watching too much socialist TV.
Post by Art
reform your own tax
Eh? As I've pointed out before, we have the lowest taxation of just
about everyone except the Arab Emirates.
Post by Art
and again become a model to the world!!
We are... and your ass may be next ;-)
Post by Art
The Bloody infighting
will do nothing for your union, or your status in the world society.

We're not infighting... watch how we merge when attacked.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Fred Bloggs
2004-11-05 01:52:25 UTC
Post by Jim Thompson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.
...Jim Thompson
How come I am not already in custody and being interrogated and tortured
at Guantanomo if your homeland security is so perfect...
Rich Grise
2004-11-05 04:20:22 UTC
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.
...Jim Thompson
How come I am not already in custody and being interrogated and tortured
at Guantanomo if your homeland security is so perfect...
Probably because you're white.

Frank Bemelman
2004-11-05 08:19:57 UTC
Post by Jim Thompson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.
If you think that, it suddenly all becomes clear why you are the
idiot I held you for. If you read things wrong, you better stop
reading all together. Can't think of better therapy here.

Having said that, and 'looking' at SED, I see a mix of contributions
in all kinds of flavors. Wise stuff, stupid remarks, ranting, reasonable
folks, nutcases and what have you. We all stick labels on each other.

Time will tell who has put the right labels on. One excuse the Americans
will never be able to use is 'We didn't know'.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
R. Steve Walz
2004-11-05 09:07:45 UTC
Post by Jim Thompson
Post by Fred Bloggs
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.
...Jim Thompson
Time for someone to get a hunting rifle with scope and train it on
a fat bastard in Phoenix.

-Steve Walz ***@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
John Larkin
2004-11-05 17:58:49 UTC
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson

This is hilarious:


Seems the Dems lost because America is populated by ignorant religious
inbred finatics.

It just ocurred to me, walking down the hill to work, that the roles
of the two major parties have reversed in the last 70 years. The
Democrats were the champions of the oppressed farming/working class,
but are now the party of Manhattan and Hollywood, of Volvo-driving
upper-middle-class urban coast-dwellers, and the Republicans now speak
for the working class, rural, "heartland" of America. It seems to me
that the Dems don't understand this, which is why they are now calling
their own claimed constituancy stupid and ignorant because they didn't
do as they were told.

Has anybody read "What's Wrong With Kansas"? Sounds like it might be

Dennis M. O'Connor
2004-11-05 22:52:45 UTC
Post by John Larkin
Seems the Dems lost because America is populated by ignorant religious
inbred finatics.
I've noticed that the current attitude of the Dems is
"Anyone who disagrees with me is stupid and/or evil."
Yeah, that arrogance will win 'em new friends. NOT.

I begin to believe the party I've been registered to
for almost three decades is self-destructing in
an orgy of arrogance, envy and hatred.
Dennis M. O'Connor ***@primenet.com
Tom MacIntyre
2004-11-06 17:55:54 UTC
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:52:45 -0700, "Dennis M. O'Connor"
Post by Dennis M. O'Connor
Post by John Larkin
Seems the Dems lost because America is populated by ignorant religious
inbred finatics.
I've noticed that the current attitude of the Dems is
"Anyone who disagrees with me is stupid and/or evil."
Yeah, that arrogance will win 'em new friends. NOT.
That was Bush's line after 9/11...Canada was among his "damned".

Post by Dennis M. O'Connor
I begin to believe the party I've been registered to
for almost three decades is self-destructing in
an orgy of arrogance, envy and hatred.
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-06 20:56:31 UTC
Post by Dennis M. O'Connor
Post by John Larkin
Seems the Dems lost because America is populated by ignorant religious
inbred finatics.
I've noticed that the current attitude of the Dems is
"Anyone who disagrees with me is stupid and/or evil."
No, no, you're missing the point entirely. They're saying that
they see Bush as a nazi tool, and anyone who votes for him is
stupid or evil.

But to them, when you say, "No, he's not," _some_ of them knee-jerk
and react with "you must be one of them."

But it does seem like a knee-jerk on the republican side that they
seem not to notice that there are extremists in the republican party,
who have earned themselves the appellation "neocons," who seem
to be pushing an agenda that's frighteningly in line with the
MO of every known fascist regime since they invented fascism.

And that's scary. Not only the "liberals'" perception of it as
being so extreme as to call out the resistance, but the idea that
the right-wing side won't even acknowledge that some of the
things in, for example, the Patriot Act, are a little bit extreme.

They always go, "you have to give up a little bit of freedom to
protect our security."

And it is happening.

And if you refuse to see that, then people will probably keep
calling you names.

Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-06 20:57:40 UTC
Post by Dennis M. O'Connor
Post by John Larkin
Seems the Dems lost because America is populated by ignorant religious
inbred finatics.
I've noticed that the current attitude of the Dems is
"Anyone who disagrees with me is stupid and/or evil."
Yeah, that arrogance will win 'em new friends. NOT.
I begin to believe the party I've been registered to
for almost three decades is self-destructing in
an orgy of arrogance, envy and hatred.
OOps! Oh, you have noticed!

Sorry about the tirade in my other FU.
I must have been talking about the other guy.

John Larkin
2004-11-05 18:50:23 UTC
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
And this is even funnier:


Tom MacIntyre
2004-11-05 19:42:59 UTC
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:50:23 -0800, John Larkin
Post by John Larkin
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
It is especially funny...even in my small province of Nova Scotia
(about 3% of the population, and a far smaller % of the land mass),
there are a number of accents, and also numerous languages, eh. The
guy who wrote that is a hoser. :-)

Jim Thompson
2004-11-05 19:56:53 UTC
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:50:23 -0800, John Larkin
Post by John Larkin
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
I particularly liked....

"Have you not noticed that Americans don't give two shits what
Europeans think of us? Each email someone gets from some arrogant Brit
telling us why to NOT vote for George Bush is going to backfire, you
stupid, yellow-toothed pansies. ... I don't give a rat's ass if our
election is going to have an effect on your worthless little life. I
really don't. Â…"

Another funny, on this mornings FoxNews network, paraphrased because I
was working and didn't catch it all for a few moments...

Democrats, having a meeting to decide why they lost the election,
decided it was because Bush fought a dirty campaign.

My view on that:

(1) I didn't see a single Kerry ad that wasn't an out-and-out lie.

(2) Kerry had a "plan", but never gave any particulars... I guess
expecting, "Elect me, then I'll tell you".

(3) Taxing anyone over $200K gets every small business owner in the
US... not too smart.

(4) Never answering any question until 24 hours later, so he could run
a poll.

(5) Why do leftists hate Texans?

(6) Looking at a Red/Blue map, looks like the Blues choose appearance
over substance... the whole core of the US went for Bush. New England
and the Left Coast look like a bunch of sick puppies.

(7) Looks to me like it's time to penalize the Blue states, and do
away with any deductions for state/city income taxes... stop the
leaching off of the core... Boston, New York, LA and SF deserve the
fruit of their seed ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
R. Steve Walz
2004-11-11 02:42:57 UTC
Post by Jim Thompson
Democrats, having a meeting to decide why they lost the election,
decided it was because Bush fought a dirty campaign.
(1) I didn't see a single Kerry ad that wasn't an out-and-out lie.
Lying slightly to defeat evil is a virtuous act!
Post by Jim Thompson
(2) Kerry had a "plan", but never gave any particulars... I guess
expecting, "Elect me, then I'll tell you".
It was spelled out clearly, to everyone who actually wanted to know.
You were simply disingenuous about claiming you did, else you'd have
gone to their website.
Post by Jim Thompson
(3) Taxing anyone over $200K gets every small business owner in the
US... not too smart.
Crucial to the final equality of workers.
Tax the rich back to the level of the rest of us.
Require any business to pay each person working the SAME per hour.
Post by Jim Thompson
(4) Never answering any question until 24 hours later, so he could run
a poll.
Lie. Republicans always lie, they seem to think it makes their dicks
larger to tempt fate that way, actually it just makes them stupid
Post by Jim Thompson
(5) Why do leftists hate Texans?
It's not merely Texans, it's ANY slack jawed moron stupid enough to
identify with dirt instead of ideas.
Post by Jim Thompson
(6) Looking at a Red/Blue map, looks like the Blues choose appearance
over substance...
Lie. The blue was simply the educated people in the USA. We're getting
real close to a Majority now, one of these years its gonna be all over
for your beloved Dark Ages.
Post by Jim Thompson
the whole core of the US went for Bush.
Population-wise, the "core" of the USA is nearly empty. The population
is in the north and on the coasts. Look at the light-at-night satellite
photos from orbit.
Post by Jim Thompson
New England
and the Left Coast look like a bunch of sick puppies.
Then why do they have the lion's share of technical production to
their credit, and several of those states rank next to nations in
terms of their productivity.

The red is all scattered dirt farmers.
Post by Jim Thompson
(7) Looks to me like it's time to penalize the Blue states, and do
away with any deductions for state/city income taxes... stop the
leaching off of the core... Boston, New York, LA and SF deserve the
fruit of their seed ;-)
If you in the red all died, we could repopulate the farm industry
in a few weeks. Us city kids mostly came from the country, TO GET
AWAY FROM YOU SHIT!! The rest of you slack-jawed morons are useless
and waste of resources and skin. Without a few hauling jobs you'd
be useless and unnecessary!

But if we blue disappeared, you'd GET your wish and return the
Dark Ages and in months you'd be back to the digging stick as your
average technology!
Post by Jim Thompson
...Jim Thompson
-Steve Walz ***@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Fred Bloggs
2004-11-11 18:04:43 UTC
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
Democrats, having a meeting to decide why they lost the election,
decided it was because Bush fought a dirty campaign.
(1) I didn't see a single Kerry ad that wasn't an out-and-out lie.
Lying slightly to defeat evil is a virtuous act!
Post by Jim Thompson
(2) Kerry had a "plan", but never gave any particulars... I guess
expecting, "Elect me, then I'll tell you".
It was spelled out clearly, to everyone who actually wanted to know.
You were simply disingenuous about claiming you did, else you'd have
gone to their website.
Post by Jim Thompson
(3) Taxing anyone over $200K gets every small business owner in the
US... not too smart.
Crucial to the final equality of workers.
Tax the rich back to the level of the rest of us.
Require any business to pay each person working the SAME per hour.
Post by Jim Thompson
(4) Never answering any question until 24 hours later, so he could run
a poll.
Lie. Republicans always lie, they seem to think it makes their dicks
larger to tempt fate that way, actually it just makes them stupid
Post by Jim Thompson
(5) Why do leftists hate Texans?
It's not merely Texans, it's ANY slack jawed moron stupid enough to
identify with dirt instead of ideas.
Post by Jim Thompson
(6) Looking at a Red/Blue map, looks like the Blues choose appearance
over substance...
Lie. The blue was simply the educated people in the USA. We're getting
real close to a Majority now, one of these years its gonna be all over
for your beloved Dark Ages.
Post by Jim Thompson
the whole core of the US went for Bush.
Population-wise, the "core" of the USA is nearly empty. The population
is in the north and on the coasts. Look at the light-at-night satellite
photos from orbit.
Post by Jim Thompson
New England
and the Left Coast look like a bunch of sick puppies.
Then why do they have the lion's share of technical production to
their credit, and several of those states rank next to nations in
terms of their productivity.
The red is all scattered dirt farmers.
Post by Jim Thompson
(7) Looks to me like it's time to penalize the Blue states, and do
away with any deductions for state/city income taxes... stop the
leaching off of the core... Boston, New York, LA and SF deserve the
fruit of their seed ;-)
If you in the red all died, we could repopulate the farm industry
in a few weeks. Us city kids mostly came from the country, TO GET
AWAY FROM YOU SHIT!! The rest of you slack-jawed morons are useless
and waste of resources and skin. Without a few hauling jobs you'd
be useless and unnecessary!
But if we blue disappeared, you'd GET your wish and return the
Dark Ages and in months you'd be back to the digging stick as your
average technology!
Post by Jim Thompson
...Jim Thompson
Right- FUCK HIM and all the other *scum* in JESUSLAND- that so-called
"core" of the US consists of welfare client states- worthless parasitic
2004-11-11 22:01:32 UTC
Post by Fred Bloggs
Right- FUCK HIM and all the other *scum* in JESUSLAND- that so-called
"core" of the US consists of welfare client states- worthless parasitic
Now now Fred, did we forget to take our pills this morning?
Bert Hickman
2004-11-11 21:23:17 UTC
Fred Bloggs wrote:

Post by Fred Bloggs
Right- FUCK HIM and all the other *scum* in JESUSLAND- that so-called
"core" of the US consists of welfare client states- worthless parasitic
Now don't hold back Fred, tell us what you REALLY think....
Mark Fergerson
2004-11-11 18:56:31 UTC
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
Democrats, having a meeting to decide why they lost the election,
decided it was because Bush fought a dirty campaign.
(1) I didn't see a single Kerry ad that wasn't an out-and-out lie.
Lying slightly to defeat evil is a virtuous act!
Who decides what "slightly" means? Shall we now assume
that nothing you say is to be trusted, since (as you tell us
so often) we're so evil, you must be lying "slightly"
whenever you think it's appropriate?

Steve, if you truly believe what you wrote, you've
destroyed any credibility you ever had.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(2) Kerry had a "plan", but never gave any particulars... I guess
expecting, "Elect me, then I'll tell you".
It was spelled out clearly, to everyone who actually wanted to know.
You were simply disingenuous about claiming you did, else you'd have
gone to their website.
Hold on, I did read it. It comprised four of the five
points on the Bush site.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(3) Taxing anyone over $200K gets every small business owner in the
US... not too smart.
Crucial to the final equality of workers.
Tax the rich back to the level of the rest of us.
Require any business to pay each person working the SAME per hour.
Dammit Steve, do you have to keep repeating the same old
zero-sum bullshit? How about making us ALL the current
equivalent of filthy rich? You know damn well we're capable
of it right now.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(4) Never answering any question until 24 hours later, so he could run
a poll.
Lie. Republicans always lie, they seem to think it makes their dicks
larger to tempt fate that way, actually it just makes them stupid
So, why do Dems lie?
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(5) Why do leftists hate Texans?
It's not merely Texans, it's ANY slack jawed moron stupid enough to
identify with dirt instead of ideas.
Post by Jim Thompson
(6) Looking at a Red/Blue map, looks like the Blues choose appearance
over substance...
Lie. The blue was simply the educated people in the USA. We're getting
real close to a Majority now, one of these years its gonna be all over
for your beloved Dark Ages.
Post by Jim Thompson
the whole core of the US went for Bush.
Population-wise, the "core" of the USA is nearly empty. The population
is in the north and on the coasts. Look at the light-at-night satellite
photos from orbit.
Post by Jim Thompson
New England
and the Left Coast look like a bunch of sick puppies.
Then why do they have the lion's share of technical production to
their credit, and several of those states rank next to nations in
terms of their productivity.
The red is all scattered dirt farmers.
There's that elitist streak again. What will you do when
your local Committee decides you're best suited to carrying
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(7) Looks to me like it's time to penalize the Blue states, and do
away with any deductions for state/city income taxes... stop the
leaching off of the core... Boston, New York, LA and SF deserve the
fruit of their seed ;-)
If you in the red all died, we could repopulate the farm industry
in a few weeks. Us city kids mostly came from the country, TO GET
AWAY FROM YOU SHIT!! The rest of you slack-jawed morons are useless
and waste of resources and skin. Without a few hauling jobs you'd
be useless and unnecessary!
But if we blue disappeared, you'd GET your wish and return the
Dark Ages and in months you'd be back to the digging stick as your
average technology!
Yeah, right. Which coast do you "live" on?

Mark L. Fergerson
R. Steve Walz
2004-11-14 05:03:49 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
Democrats, having a meeting to decide why they lost the election,
decided it was because Bush fought a dirty campaign.
(1) I didn't see a single Kerry ad that wasn't an out-and-out lie.
Lying slightly to defeat evil is a virtuous act!
Who decides what "slightly" means? Shall we now assume
that nothing you say is to be trusted, since (as you tell us
so often) we're so evil, you must be lying "slightly"
whenever you think it's appropriate?
Hah, hah.
And so you hadn't realized until just now that others can LIE???
If you want to trust anyone, trust the guy who ADMITS it.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Steve, if you truly believe what you wrote, you've
destroyed any credibility you ever had.
Any credibility I *DO* have is based on *WHAT* I say,
and NOT the reverse.

Nobody believes anyone else unless they agree with them.

The way we are changed from external influences is from within,
below awareness, beyond our control.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(2) Kerry had a "plan", but never gave any particulars... I guess
expecting, "Elect me, then I'll tell you".
It was spelled out clearly, to everyone who actually wanted to know.
You were simply disingenuous about claiming you did, else you'd have
gone to their website.
Hold on, I did read it. It comprised four of the five
points on the Bush site.
Yeah, except in the opposite direction.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(3) Taxing anyone over $200K gets every small business owner in the
US... not too smart.
Crucial to the final equality of workers.
Tax the rich back to the level of the rest of us.
Require any business to pay each person working the SAME per hour.
Dammit Steve, do you have to keep repeating the same old
zero-sum bullshit?
Ain't bullshit. At any moment the economy is finite, and dividing
it unequally with respect to labor hours is criminality. And there
is no magic to growing the economy. If people want more they can
vote to make more and work longer hours for it, ALL of them! Any
scheme based on disparity of income is merely a scam and a theft
Post by Mark Fergerson
How about making us ALL the current equivalent of filthy rich?
You know damn well we're capable of it right now.
You know no such thing, we don't have self-replicating industrial
robots yet. This means we are limited in what we can have and
maintain by how much we can work and to what degree our industrial
base amplifies our production.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(4) Never answering any question until 24 hours later, so he could run
a poll.
Lie. Republicans always lie, they seem to think it makes their dicks
larger to tempt fate that way, actually it just makes them stupid
So, why do Dems lie?
They don't, except obviously where appropriate and moral to do so.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(5) Why do leftists hate Texans?
It's not merely Texans, it's ANY slack jawed moron stupid enough to
identify with dirt instead of ideas.
Post by Jim Thompson
(6) Looking at a Red/Blue map, looks like the Blues choose appearance
over substance...
Lie. The blue was simply the educated people in the USA. We're getting
real close to a Majority now, one of these years its gonna be all over
for your beloved Dark Ages.
Post by Jim Thompson
the whole core of the US went for Bush.
Population-wise, the "core" of the USA is nearly empty. The population
is in the north and on the coasts. Look at the light-at-night satellite
photos from orbit.
Post by Jim Thompson
New England
and the Left Coast look like a bunch of sick puppies.
Then why do they have the lion's share of technical production to
their credit, and several of those states rank next to nations in
terms of their productivity.
The red is all scattered dirt farmers.
There's that elitist streak again.
Nonsense, the stupid are the stupid.
Post by Mark Fergerson
What will you do when
your local Committee decides you're best suited to carrying
Doesn't happen, ain't no "committee", just Majority Democracy, and
everyone gets the same work and the same chances.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(7) Looks to me like it's time to penalize the Blue states, and do
away with any deductions for state/city income taxes... stop the
leaching off of the core... Boston, New York, LA and SF deserve the
fruit of their seed ;-)
If you in the red all died, we could repopulate the farm industry
in a few weeks. Us city kids mostly came from the country, TO GET
AWAY FROM YOU SHIT!! The rest of you slack-jawed morons are useless
and waste of resources and skin. Without a few hauling jobs you'd
be useless and unnecessary!
But if we blue disappeared, you'd GET your wish and return the
Dark Ages and in months you'd be back to the digging stick as your
average technology!
Yeah, right. Which coast do you "live" on?
Mark L. Fergerson
The Left Coast, where we have the most productive farms on earth.
They're automated and corporate, meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.

-Steve Walz ***@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
2004-11-14 06:46:28 UTC
Post by R. Steve Walz
The Left Coast, where we have the most productive farms on earth.
They're automated and corporate, meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
No way comrade. Communism does not work. Even the chinese are going
capitalist. If everyone depended on dumb asses like you to make us rich
we'd all be living in mud huts and starving to death.

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R. Steve Walz
2004-11-14 07:36:40 UTC
Post by me
Post by R. Steve Walz
The Left Coast, where we have the most productive farms on earth.
They're automated and corporate, meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
No way comrade. Communism does not work.
Ah, the anonymous liar errs again.

Communism has NEVER EVER been tried, it was subverted at birth in
the USSR and a feudal nobility called the Politburo used the Russian
economy strictly to enrich themselves as a rich class for 70 years,
enslaving their majority and trying to convince them they were in a
"worker's paradise", why they were all "equal" weren't they? EQUALLY
China, the technical class that served the Emperor took over and
ran it for their own aggrandizement!!! When you allege that some
"communism" "failed", you have to let us follow the MONEY to see
what REALLY happened!

Wherever a rich class EXISTS, it is automatically *NOT* ANY KIND
of "communism". THAT'S HOW YOU CAN TELL! Any REAL Communism would
make all disparity in wealth by profit, speculation and salary
absolutely illegal.
Post by me
Even the chinese are going capitalist.
No, China is doing whatever they think will make their rich class
richer! They use "communism" as an excuse to control the economy
and all business to optimize profit for the rich, while with the
other hand, they claim they are becoming more "capitalistic", but
for the same purpose!! When we get rid of the rich, the lies will
Post by me
If everyone depended on dumb asses like you to make us rich
we'd all be living in mud huts and starving to death.
Anyone who depends on others to make them rich deserves mud huts
in the case of stupid poor people, and a noose in the case of
the vicious rich shit.

-Steve Walz ***@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Mark Fergerson
2004-11-14 14:23:27 UTC
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
Democrats, having a meeting to decide why they lost the election,
decided it was because Bush fought a dirty campaign.
(1) I didn't see a single Kerry ad that wasn't an out-and-out lie.
Lying slightly to defeat evil is a virtuous act!
Who decides what "slightly" means? Shall we now assume
that nothing you say is to be trusted, since (as you tell us
so often) we're so evil, you must be lying "slightly"
whenever you think it's appropriate?
Hah, hah.
And so you hadn't realized until just now that others can LIE???
Yes, of course anyone can lie.
Post by R. Steve Walz
If you want to trust anyone, trust the guy who ADMITS it.
Right. I will henceforth take everything Dan Rather says
at face value.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Steve, if you truly believe what you wrote, you've
destroyed any credibility you ever had.
Any credibility I *DO* have is based on *WHAT* I say,
But if you're lying...
Post by R. Steve Walz
and NOT the reverse.
how will I know?
Post by R. Steve Walz
Nobody believes anyone else unless they agree with them.
Only if they can't distinguish between "truth" and "fact".
Post by R. Steve Walz
The way we are changed from external influences is from within,
You used to say that we cannot change our minds from
within at all. Lying again, or changed your mind?
Post by R. Steve Walz
below awareness, beyond our control.
True for those that will not even attempt to understand
how their minds work.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(2) Kerry had a "plan", but never gave any particulars... I guess
expecting, "Elect me, then I'll tell you".
It was spelled out clearly, to everyone who actually wanted to know.
You were simply disingenuous about claiming you did, else you'd have
gone to their website.
Hold on, I did read it. It comprised four of the five
points on the Bush site.
Yeah, except in the opposite direction.
Uh, no. Same identical points.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(3) Taxing anyone over $200K gets every small business owner in the
US... not too smart.
Crucial to the final equality of workers.
Tax the rich back to the level of the rest of us.
Require any business to pay each person working the SAME per hour.
Dammit Steve, do you have to keep repeating the same old
zero-sum bullshit?
Ain't bullshit. At any moment the economy is finite, and dividing
it unequally with respect to labor hours is criminality. And there
is no magic to growing the economy. If people want more they can
vote to make more and work longer hours for it
Or find better ways to make things that don't involve
more hand labor.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
How about making us ALL the current equivalent of filthy rich?
You know damn well we're capable of it right now.
You know no such thing, we don't have self-replicating industrial
robots yet. This means we are limited in what we can have and
maintain by how much we can work and to what degree our industrial
base amplifies our production.
"Production amplification" is exactly the reason your
"work to live" scheme is pointless. People used to have to
work dawn to dusk just to eat. That's no longer the case.
It's down to, what, four hours a day (excluding "tax hours")?
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(4) Never answering any question until 24 hours later, so he could run
a poll.
Lie. Republicans always lie, they seem to think it makes their dicks
larger to tempt fate that way, actually it just makes them stupid
So, why do Dems lie?
They don't, except obviously where appropriate and moral to do so.
Interesting; you forgive doublespeak when your side does
it. I don't forgive it at all.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(5) Why do leftists hate Texans?
It's not merely Texans, it's ANY slack jawed moron stupid enough to
identify with dirt instead of ideas.
Post by Jim Thompson
(6) Looking at a Red/Blue map, looks like the Blues choose appearance
over substance...
Lie. The blue was simply the educated people in the USA. We're getting
real close to a Majority now, one of these years its gonna be all over
for your beloved Dark Ages.
Post by Jim Thompson
the whole core of the US went for Bush.
Population-wise, the "core" of the USA is nearly empty. The population
is in the north and on the coasts. Look at the light-at-night satellite
photos from orbit.
Post by Jim Thompson
New England
and the Left Coast look like a bunch of sick puppies.
Then why do they have the lion's share of technical production to
their credit, and several of those states rank next to nations in
terms of their productivity.
The red is all scattered dirt farmers.
There's that elitist streak again.
Nonsense, the stupid are the stupid.
Now you're merely parroting Kerry's wife.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
What will you do when
your local Committee decides you're best suited to carrying
Doesn't happen, ain't no "committee", just Majority Democracy, and
everyone gets the same work and the same chances.
What, you've revised your precious People's Committees
out of existence? How will your State know what the People
need to do?

How can any State function if everyone does all the same
jobs? Shit's gonna pile up real quick.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Jim Thompson
(7) Looks to me like it's time to penalize the Blue states, and do
away with any deductions for state/city income taxes... stop the
leaching off of the core... Boston, New York, LA and SF deserve the
fruit of their seed ;-)
If you in the red all died, we could repopulate the farm industry
in a few weeks. Us city kids mostly came from the country, TO GET
AWAY FROM YOU SHIT!! The rest of you slack-jawed morons are useless
and waste of resources and skin. Without a few hauling jobs you'd
be useless and unnecessary!
But if we blue disappeared, you'd GET your wish and return the
Dark Ages and in months you'd be back to the digging stick as your
average technology!
Yeah, right. Which coast do you "live" on?
The Left Coast
Why am I not surprised?
Post by R. Steve Walz
where we have the most productive farms on earth.
Using water stolen from other states.
Post by R. Steve Walz
They're automated and corporate
Which displaced lots of farmers.
Post by R. Steve Walz
meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
Yet those "ignorant bastards" are the ones that set up
those extremely productive farms, not a bunch of long-haired
Co-op ex-hippies. Where are the extremely productive
communes, Steve? There aren't any.

Mark L. Fergerson
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-14 22:49:22 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
Yet those "ignorant bastards" are the ones that set up
those extremely productive farms, not a bunch of long-haired
Co-op ex-hippies. Where are the extremely productive
communes, Steve? There aren't any.
I see you've engaged the impenetrable Walz.

R. Steve Walz
2004-11-15 01:35:34 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
Yet those "ignorant bastards" are the ones that set up
those extremely productive farms, not a bunch of long-haired
Co-op ex-hippies.
Often successful production is started by family workers and people
who profited little from it out of conscience, and then it was
absconded with at their death by the unscupulous rich! Few family
farms became corporate ag combines with their original ownerships.

Most major coporate farmers in California's central valley are
merely rich land speculators who bought them under-rated from
downtrodden areas and failed rural savings and loans in bad years.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where are the extremely productive
communes, Steve? There aren't any.
"Communes" weren't FOR that, numb-nuts.

And NONSENSE, many agencies and most public utilities are publically
owned and NON-PROFIT!!!

-Steve Walz ***@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Mark Fergerson
2004-11-15 15:28:06 UTC
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
Yet those "ignorant bastards" are the ones that set up
those extremely productive farms, not a bunch of long-haired
Co-op ex-hippies.
Often successful production is started by family workers and people
who profited little from it out of conscience, and then it was
absconded with at their death by the unscupulous rich! Few family
farms became corporate ag combines with their original ownerships.
Do you have a little shrine containing a bust of Lenin in
your house?

I just love it when you use words like "often" without
supporting statistics. Yes, I've done my own research, and
the numbers don't bear your claims out.

Small family-owned farms are one of the original "small
business" enterprises that used to be the real economic
backbone of this country, not the profligate "robber-barons"
you vent so much of your spleen on. The latter speculated on
the output of the former, without whom they'd have had to go
into coal, lumber, or other speculation.

As the output of the farms became larger than local
markets could handle, the "robber barons" got rich by
finding larger markets. Without that effort, the small
farmers couldn't have passed on their farms to latter
generations because prices would have kept dropping. That's
also how America got into the subtly destructive habit of
feeding the world rather than teaching it how to feed
itself. If that had happened (exporting knowledge instead of
its fruits), we wouldn't see the wage and other general
economic disparties between America and the rest of the
world. There wouldn't be slave-wage sweatshops anywhere
because the populations would be used to eating better and
living better than they have for nearly three hundred years.

And farm ownership clearly passed into conglomeration
because of the short-term economic thinking we go into below.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Most major coporate farmers in California's central valley are
merely rich land speculators who bought them under-rated from
downtrodden areas and failed rural savings and loans in bad years.
Yup, because shipping food "long distances" (say, across
county lines) worked better, according to short-term
economic thinking, than carrying farmers' loans during those
bad years. That's how family farms got swept into
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where are the extremely productive
communes, Steve? There aren't any.
"Communes" weren't FOR that, numb-nuts.
Well then, what _were_ they for? Why couldn't they even
feed themselves? Because they refused to recognize the
_real_ economic climate they existed within, that's why. If
they had, they'd have out-competed the "big boys" to scale
by meeting the specialized market demands the big boys can't.

Today you'd be buying "organic" vegetables etc at
competitive prices from large communes instead of from
"boutique" producers at ridiculously inflated prices.
Post by R. Steve Walz
And NONSENSE, many agencies and most public utilities are publically
owned and NON-PROFIT!!!
Solely because they are legislatively required to be
non-profit. They also cannot run at breakeven.

But the financial profitability of communes, public
utilities, or any other group enterprise isn't really the
issue here; self-sustainability is, and that requires a
slightly greater output than input to make up for entropy.
But you don't get that without motivation, and threatening
the workers with death by torture for not meeting quotas
won't make it happen.

The proper application of the principle of "production
amplification" will, and does. The _improper_ application of
that principle is what dehumanizes these enterprises, and
puts ex-farmers into poorhouses.

Mark L. Fergerson
R. Steve Walz
2004-11-16 04:14:14 UTC
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
Yet those "ignorant bastards" are the ones that set up
those extremely productive farms, not a bunch of long-haired
Co-op ex-hippies.
Often successful production is started by family workers and people
who profited little from it out of conscience, and then it was
absconded with at their death by the unscupulous rich! Few family
farms became corporate ag combines with their original ownerships.
Do you have a little shrine containing a bust of Lenin in
your house?
More of your irrelevant posturing crap.
I don't have a thing by him or of him.
I don't worship heroes of any kind.
Post by Mark Fergerson
I just love it when you use words like "often" without
supporting statistics. Yes, I've done my own research, and
the numbers don't bear your claims out.
You did doodley.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Small family-owned farms are one of the original "small
business" enterprises that used to be the real economic
backbone of this country, not the profligate "robber-barons"
you vent so much of your spleen on. The latter speculated on
the output of the former, without whom they'd have had to go
into coal, lumber, or other speculation.
The teensy farm was a trap for rubes, stuck there with people you
didn't choose and wanting to leave if you had a brain. In Europe
it was family-as-dynasty, and you had to give away your
birth-rightful inheritance of the earth to escape family-farm
slavery. In the USA you sold your parents farm, put them in
a home, and moved to the suburbs, and STILL lost your rightful
place to land-speculators who gave you doodley and cranked up
the urban housing prices artificially to reap windfall, leaving
you a renting/mortgaged serfs paying monthly tribute for what
was rightfully yours AT BIRTH.
Post by Mark Fergerson
As the output of the farms became larger than local
markets could handle, the "robber barons" got rich by
finding larger markets. Without that effort, the small
farmers couldn't have passed on their farms to latter
generations because prices would have kept dropping. That's
also how America got into the subtly destructive habit of
feeding the world rather than teaching it how to feed
itself. If that had happened (exporting knowledge instead of
its fruits), we wouldn't see the wage and other general
economic disparties between America and the rest of the
So you entirely neglect the simple fact of agriculture that
3 FEET of topsoil from Vermont to the Mississipi and farther,
compared to the 2 INCHES Europe had left or the 1/2 INCH that
the middle east has on its prime farmland would not out-produce
the rest of the world easily, no matter HOW stupid and inefficient
the system running it?? How about the MILLIONS of square miles of
forest when England has left scarely a tree?? Moron, the continent
was the engine, there was no "knowledge", American farmers have
even forgotten how to rotate crops since petroleu-driven fertilizer
Post by Mark Fergerson
There wouldn't be slave-wage sweatshops anywhere
because the populations would be used to eating better and
living better than they have for nearly three hundred years.
They would need people who actually KNEW how to do that to help
them, not stupid fucking Americans! They would need physicists and
agronomists who knew the proper uses of sheet plastic and aluminum
foil and glue and recycling of materials, and they would need a
free hand politically in those countries, because they were driven
Post by Mark Fergerson
And farm ownership clearly passed into conglomeration
because of the short-term economic thinking we go into below.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Most major coporate farmers in California's central valley are
merely rich land speculators who bought them under-rated from
downtrodden areas and failed rural savings and loans in bad years.
Yup, because shipping food "long distances" (say, across
county lines) worked better, according to short-term
economic thinking, than carrying farmers' loans during those
bad years. That's how family farms got swept into
The small farmers often had gone to ruin because they had degraded
their soil and couldn't profit anymore, family farmers are usually
MORE stupid than even agribusiness, which has to answer to share-
holders, but a Communist govt running it has to answer to WAY MORE
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Mark Fergerson
Where are the extremely productive
communes, Steve? There aren't any.
"Communes" weren't FOR that, numb-nuts.
Well then, what _were_ they for?
Which kind?
In the Sixties in the USA, they were for SEX!

In Russia, they were someplace to isolate workers and then have
the Army come in and remove the contents of their store-houses
year after year and bring them back NOTHING. This makes the
workers lean on their shovels so the army will go elsewhere.
The Politburo sold all that product abroad and socked the money
into offshore accounts, and their man Putin runs the Russian Mafia
which *IS* the govt, the re-transormation of Russia back to nearly
Tsarist times.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Why couldn't they even
feed themselves? Because they refused to recognize the
_real_ economic climate they existed within, that's why. If
they had, they'd have out-competed the "big boys" to scale
by meeting the specialized market demands the big boys can't.
Nonsense, niche markets are artificial and trendy. They are
like casino gambling with your retirement.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Today you'd be buying "organic" vegetables etc at
competitive prices from large communes instead of from
"boutique" producers at ridiculously inflated prices.
They are converging lately, because agribusiness has FINALLY
picked it up. But also, the State has made inroads, forcing
them to reveal their soil amendments to the consumer.
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
And NONSENSE, many agencies and most public utilities are publically
owned and NON-PROFIT!!!
Solely because they are legislatively required to be
non-profit. They also cannot run at breakeven.
They don't require subsidy, so they COULD INDEED be profit, but instead
offer MUCH LOWER rates for water and power to locals than commercial
profit utilities!!
Post by Mark Fergerson
But the financial profitability of communes, public
utilities, or any other group enterprise isn't really the
issue here; self-sustainability is, and that requires a
slightly greater output than input to make up for entropy.
But you don't get that without motivation, and threatening
the workers with death by torture for not meeting quotas
won't make it happen.
Irrelevant. No such is needed.
Pay workers fairly and equally, and if they must work to eat,
they will work fairly. If not they will be fired till they
starve or change their attitudes. What happens now on the
streets of America if someone won't work? They starve or they
beg. In my society begging is a crime of harrassment and
criminal parasitism! You don't HAVE to work, as long as you
are willing to go without food. Sign up for the next available
job you're qualified for, or training to a job, and you eat
that day. Simple. THAT'S motivation! If they do their work
they can have anything anyone else has, because pay is the SAME!!
If they wantamore interesting job, sign up to be educated, and
while you're trained THAT will be your job, as long as you DO
it and achieve competence.
Post by Mark Fergerson
The proper application of the principle of "production
amplification" will, and does. The _improper_ application of
that principle is what dehumanizes these enterprises, and
puts ex-farmers into poorhouses.
Mark L. Fergerson
Everyone has the right to a home, free and clear, because all of
all our ancestors built everything we see. We fairly inherit our
share of the earth and man's products from them, as our birthright!

But we do NOT have the right to live off others, and so we must
work for the collective, at work it votes that it needs done. Or
else we can live in that house and eat bugs till we die and they
hose us out! The primary motivation to work is hunger, once hunger
is sated, other interests pertain and further motivate. And so on
up the heirarchy of human needs to human wants.

-Steve Walz ***@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Mark Fergerson
2004-11-15 15:29:38 UTC
Post by Rich The Philosophizer
Post by Mark Fergerson
Post by R. Steve Walz
meaning the People can run them
just as well as ignorant rich bastards by taking over and controlling
the corportation by Majority Democracy.
Yet those "ignorant bastards" are the ones that set up
those extremely productive farms, not a bunch of long-haired
Co-op ex-hippies. Where are the extremely productive
communes, Steve? There aren't any.
I see you've engaged the impenetrable Walz.
Steve's not impenetrable; he just has areas of greater
"density" on certain subjects, like all of us.

Mark L. Fergerson
Brian Hance
2004-11-11 15:43:40 UTC
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 12:56:53 -0700, Jim Thompson
........the whole core of the US went for Bush.

Brian Hance
"Constantly talking is not necessarily communication."
Spehro Pefhany
2004-11-05 20:15:13 UTC
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:50:23 -0800, the renowned John Larkin
Post by John Larkin
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
What an idiotic stunt that was.

"The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and
unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save
us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr.—where are
you now that we need you?"

Would this be the first time a British newspaper has openly called for
the assassination of an American president?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward"
***@interlog.com Info for manufacturers: http://www.trexon.com
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers: http://www.speff.com
Rich The Philosophizer
2004-11-05 23:37:30 UTC
Post by Spehro Pefhany
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:50:23 -0800, the renowned John Larkin
Post by John Larkin
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
Post by Spehro Pefhany
Post by John Larkin
Post by Jim Thompson
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
What an idiotic stunt that was.
"The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and
unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save
us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr.—where are
you now that we need you?"
Would this be the first time a British newspaper has openly called for
the assassination of an American president?
Didn't Hinckley miss?

Tom MacIntyre
2004-11-06 17:57:55 UTC
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 23:37:30 GMT, Rich The Philosophizer
Post by Rich The Philosophizer
Post by Spehro Pefhany
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:50:23 -0800, the renowned John Larkin
Post by John Larkin
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
Post by Spehro Pefhany
Post by John Larkin
Post by Jim Thompson
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
What an idiotic stunt that was.
"The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and
unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save
us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr.—where are
you now that we need you?"
Would this be the first time a British newspaper has openly called for
the assassination of an American president?
Didn't Hinckley miss?
No...but he failed to assassinate.

Post by Rich The Philosophizer
Dr. Anton T. Squeegee
2004-11-11 16:36:59 UTC
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
After hearing this news (when it first broke), I was able to sum
up my feelings about the entire election in four simple words.

God help us all.
Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute.
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR,
kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm -- www.bluefeathertech.com
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped
with surreal ports?"
2004-11-11 17:07:27 UTC
Post by Dr. Anton T. Squeegee
Post by Jim Thompson
Just on the news...
Kerry concedes in call to Bush.
Daschle loses Senate race!
"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)
...Jim Thompson
After hearing this news (when it first broke), I was able to sum
up my feelings about the entire election in four simple words.
God help us all.
Obviously She Did!