Post by Reg EdwardsPost by Terry GivenMedical grade leeches
are EXPENSIVE - something like $20 each.
When doctors, who will admit to a not un-limited understanding of disease,
run short of ideas on treatment of a particular medical case, it is only
natural for them to fall back on old-time prescriptions for leeches and
But why should they charge such exhorbitant, even blackmailing rates of pay
for their suspect services?
Ah well, let's forgive the profession. They are not angels. They are only
ordinary human beings like the rest of us blackmailing thieves.
But rest assured, the next time I am presented with a thirsty leech I shall
immediately change my doctor, without him ever hoping to receive any further
Then soon your occluded extremity will fall off, when it could have
been allowed to survive by a leech, which induces superb minimal blood
flow out to the end where the leech consumes it, because it hasn't
otherwise regrown its damaged periphery wherein will soon lie the
venoles that will later allow a cyclic blood circulation. High pressure
arterioles supply from near bone, venoles receive from the outer regions
and conduct blood back to the heart. Most damage that is repairable is
to the outer venolic portion, and the leech acts as a minimal "heart"
to draw fresh blood through the extremity and slowly heal it. They also
produce superior localized anticlotting substances to prevent further
You Under-Educated Moron.
-Steve Physicist-Engineer & former ER-EMT 3.5 years.
-Steve Walz ***
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